Most of us are looking to save money where we can on bills. You would be amazed how many simple mistakes you might be making that drive up the cost of heating your home. However, there is one mistake in particular that so many people fall victim to. Here is the number 1 most costly home heating mistake you should avoid, explained by the experts at Kinkaid.
The Number 1 Mistake: Cranking the temperature way up when you get home
It is becoming fairly common knowledge that turning the temperature down when you leave the house can save you money. However, it also seems to be a common instinct to crank the temperature up by many degrees as soon as you get home. This is probably the biggest mistake people make when trying to save money on their home heating bills. Some people think that cranking the temperature up to 90 degrees will heat the house faster than setting it at a more reasonable 75 degrees, so it seems more efficient. However, it isn’t!
The speed of heating your home does not increase exponentially according to the temperature you set. No matter what temperature you set the thermostat at, the speed at which your home reaches that temperature stays the same. The only difference is that if you crank it up high, that house becomes over heated, expending all that extra energy as you heat your entire house an extra 15 degrees past what you actually want. Then you crank the thermostat back down and suddenly you’ve bled all that energy out of the system for nothing.
Heat is money. Throwing out an extra 15 degrees every day is the same as throwing that money out the window. It’s even worse if you try to save money by turning down the heat over night, then cranking it back up when you get up in the morning. Now you’re wasting those 15 degrees worth of heat in the morning and another 15 degrees when you come home from work in the evening. The same principle applies to air conditioning in the summer. Energy is money.
It IS reasonable to turn the heat up and down by a few degrees depending on whether anyone is home. A temperature range that is comfortable for many people is between 65 and 72 degrees.
Cranking up your heat too much creates unnecessary wear and tear on your HVAC system
Extreme, unnecessary fluctuation of temperatures puts more wear and tear on your HVAC system. It is important to get your system a routine checkup every year to prevent any emergencies, so you don’t come home and find yourself with no heat at all. Your technician might identify issues that wouldn’t become apparent to you until it’s too late.
Contact us in the Willow Grove area at 215-657-1262 and in the Ambler area at 215-646-5577. Or, contact us online to request an appointment today!